
Giving to the Simcoe Gospel Chapel

God's Word instructs all believers to give to the local church through tithes and offerings. This is to help further God's Kingdom on earth through the Local Church. (Malachi 3:10, Proverbs 3:9-10, 2 Corinthians 9:7) 

Ways you can Give:

In Person: Drop by the church anytime or drop your offering in the offering plate on Sunday

By Mail: You can mail your donation to the Chapel
4152 Hwy. 3 Box #25
Simcoe, ON N3Y 4K8

Online: The Simcoe Gospel Chapel accepts e-transfer for online donations/tithes. The preferred method for online donations is Interac e-Transfer. This is a convenient way to send, request, and receive money directly from one bank account to another. Simply log-in to your current Canadian Bank account and use the service to send money via email. Send the donation to:
Please ensure that the office is aware of the donation and security answer in order to receive the funds. You can do this by sending a separate email to this email address above including the question and answer.

Charitable donation receipts for income tax purposes will be issued for all donations received.