
Noah Vart

Interim Pastor

Noah Vart was born and raised in Simcoe, Ontario. He has attended the Simcoe Gospel Chapel for most of his life. Noah Vart attended Bethel Baptist Academy from JK to Gr. 12. The Lord led Noah to Lancaster, California to study for a degree in Pastoral Theology at West Coast Baptist College. He is currently still a student at West Coast and will finish his studies in May, 2026. During the summer (May-August) and winter months (December-January), Noah serves as the Interim Pastor at the Chapel. 

Contact: simcoegospelchapel@gmail.com

Board of Elders:

Because of difficulty in the past, the Simcoe Gospel Chapel currently does not have a full-time pastor or an elder board. The Church is run by the board of directors. Guest speakers and an Interim Pastor help the church spiritually. Here is the current Interim Pastor and Board of Directors

Board of Directors:

The current Board of Directors consists of the following members of the Simcoe Gospel Chapel:

Al Foxcroft: President of the Board

Helen Brown: Recording Secretary

Joshua Breddy: Treasurer

Marlene Haviland: BOD Member

Keith Hutchinson: BOD Member

Bruce McCoy: BOD Member

Staff Members:

The Chapel is privileged to have two staff members who help with the operations of the Church:

Aimee Rixmann: Administrative Coordinator/Secretary

Myra Glidden: Bookkeeper