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Hope: December 2, 2023

Wrapped in the tradition of Advent, hope introduces the days leading to the birth of Christ. Originally, Advent (meaning arrival or coming) was used to mark the time until Christ’s second coming to judge the world. It was first celebrated in A.D 567 when Monks fasted for the month leading up to Christmas.

​            In the Middle Ages, in Germany, it was transferred to marking the birth of Jesus, acting as a countdown to Christmas Eve. It went from chalk marks on the wall or door, to hanging religious pictures one day at a time till December 24. The Lighting of candles also came into practice around this time, and the Advent calendar was born.

​            Today, we were reminded of the many prophecies of Christ’s coming as the Saviour of the world. The lighting of the purple Advent candle representing hope, reminded me of the purple robe cast over Christ in the judgment hall. In that moment, hope died, to be resurrected three days later with the risen Lord.

​            As we mark these days to the celebration of his birth, let us remember that he came to die…that we might have life eternal. In Hebrews chapter 11, we are told that faith is the foundation of hope and the proof of things we can’t see. May every day of the celebration inspire greater faith and deeper hope.

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