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Angel Candle: December 25, 2023

In lighting today’s Angel candle, we were reminded of God’s eternal, abiding, love. He sent Angels, (meaning messengers) to foretell His purpose for His creation. He didn’t leave us in the dark about the future. All through the bible He instructed and directed His chosen human instruments, demonstrating His involvement and love for His creation. Angels brought messages of both wonder and dread. Messages that changed personal lives, and the course of history as in Zachariah and Elizabeth; Joseph and Mary.


The familiar bible passages on love in Corinthians, and 1 John, clearly show … love is not a feeling. Love is an action, and feelings are the result. Every defining word of love in 1 Corinthians 13 is a personal chosen action, regardless of personal feeling. They‘re ways to demonstrate God’s sacrificial love, abiding in us.


Love isn’t easy, it cost God everything. At times, it may feel like it’s costing us everything as well; but it’s always our choice. He’s foretold what awaits down the road, but instead of Angels, He sends us.


At the evening gathering, Rev D spoke of the miracle of the gospel message. He reminded us Christ came into the world, not out of … the sin-cursed world. He came to take us out of this carnal world, and into the Father’s presence, first spiritually and then completely. Rev D then called to our remembrance the gifts of the Spirit represented by the candles: hope, joy, peace, and love, found in the prophecies (word of God), and displayed in the shepherds, wisemen, and angels.


The evening was wrapped in bible readings and carols, closing with the acappella singing of Silent Night, with only small suggested flames of individual candles in the darkened room. We are the small individual lights of God's love. Let’s carry His message to the lost souls surrounding us.


May we choose to love others as He loved us; sacrificially, regardless the cost to personal wants and feelings. May we each experience his presence, as we celebrate his gift of Salvation this Christmas.

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